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January 2012 - We moved into our new home in Buckhead Atlanta. It was strange being so high up at first but it didn't take long for Mr. K to feel comfortable enough to "chase" the moving cars below.
February 2012 - Mr. K and Scottie Mom rediscover the piano together. The piano's new location made it easy for Mr. K to play the instrument anytime he wants.
March 6, 2012 - A date this Scottie Mom will never forget. After my first day on the new job, I came home to find a very ill Mr. K. Within minutes, he couldn't walk and began convulsing. We rushed him to the hospital. By the time we got him there, he barely had a pulse. To this day, none of the vets we have visited have been able to tell me what went wrong or give us a definitive diagnosis. Read more about Mr. K's brush with death here.

May 2012 - Scottie Mom helps Heather and Mr. K's aunt with an idea for her muttastic photography. (A number of the pawesome photos you see here on the blog are courtesy of Heather and Mr. K's skillful aunt.) During the process, Scottie Mom came up with an idea to create a site of her own that might provide insight on Mr. K's health issue. And so, the idea for ScottieMom.com was born.
June 2012 - Just three months after the day Mr. K got sick, we suspect Heather is sick. Her only symptoms are frequent urination and lethargy so we suspect a bladder infection. After running a few tests, vets have no clue what's going on but the illness seems to be similar in nature to what Mr. K experienced and Heather is hospitalized. Read the details of Heather's ongoing struggle to keep those liver values down in The Mystery Illness Returns.

August 2012 - Project: International Scottie Love was launched. To date, we've had 90 photos of Scotties from 10 countries and 22 states across the United States submitted!
September 2012 - Heather falls for Scottie Dad's best friend and receives her first kiss!
October 2012 - Happy Birthday, Heather and Mr. K! We celebrated the lives of these two Scotties with a special pawty this year. Later that month, Heather and Mr. K dressed up as their alter egos: Heather the Lion Queen and Mr. K the strapping, young Penguin.
November 2012 - Mr. K elects himself president and launches a Scottie PR campaign in order to bolster the Scottish Terrier reputation and regain the ranks of the American Kennel Club's most popular breed listing. After all, Scotties have lived in the White House more times than any other breed so why not have one who’s actually president?!

Also, a special shout out to Kyla Scott, Zena, Midy Voelker (and Hootie!), Dougall and Sharon for being some of Heather and Mr. K's biggest fans. Together, you've commented over 180 times on their stories! Much Scottie love goes out to you from Scottie Mom and family!