Belly Up!


Last week, Heather was all "bottoms up." This week, she's gone completely "belly up!" Once again, we're participating in BlogPaws' Wordless Wednesday, a popular Internet practice of posting a photo on your blog that requires no explanation.  I'm pretty sure we all know what Heather's up to in this photo...luring us in with all her super cuteness to score some extra affection. How many belly rubs do you think she convinced people to give her while posing for this photo?


  1. Never enough belly rubs!! So darn cute!!

  2. Wouldn't I just love to give sweet precious Heather two belly rubs and a back scratchin' to boot!

  3. scratches and belly rubs, we think the real treat is for the human, isn't it?

  4. Such a cute doggy belly!
    Found your blog through the BlogPaws blog hop! :-)

  5. Woof! Woof! Belly rubs are the best. Happy WW. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  6. Tehehe, so cute! Belly rubs make Simba melt and he is one smiley doggie. Happy Wordless Wednesday! :)

  7. This is how I lie on The Producer every night and if she doesn't stroke my tummy I 'bop' her with my paw (which is very soft and fluffy so it doesn't hurt :-)

  8. Heather, I'll give you all the belly rubs and back scratching that you want. You are adorable, and very funny!

  9. We love belly up. My dog loves it and the cat. My son carries the cat around like a baby. So cute.
