According to the American Kennel Club, the average Scottie weighs between 18 and 22 pounds. When I first met my darling Heather, I knew there was a strong possibility she was outside that weight range but it wasn't necessarily because she was overweight. She was, much to my surprise, bigger than my Mr. K both in terms of height and length. I had been told by the shelter I adopted Mr. K from that his previous owners mentioned something about him being the runt of his litter. It wasn't until I saw Heather that I began to wonder whether Mr. K was really that small or if Heather was really that big. When I got her home and later took her to the vet, I discovered Heather tipped the scale at just over 27 pounds. That seemed a little high for this Scottie Mom's comfort level. When I adopted Mr. K a year prior to, he was only 17 pounds and the vet said he could afford to put a few more on. How very different the two were!
And so, this Scottie Mom set out to making sure each of my babies was the healthiest weight they could be. It was easy getting Mr. K to put on weight and nearly three years later he's up to about 23 pounds, looking as strong and healthy as ever. Ideally, I'd like him to stay around the 22 pound weight and we're working on losing that extra pound. Heather, on the hand, has had a harder time. (Don't all women have this struggle?) She lost a good two pounds in the first year or so but hasn't really been able to go below the 25 pound mark. I'm thinking that might be okay, though, because she certainly doesn't look overweight since she's a little taller and longer than Mr. K is. Losing those two pounds has really made a difference...to me, at least.
But strangers and neighbors don't know Heather's full story. They don't know just how far she's come in the year and a half I've had her. Consequently, nothing upsets this Scottie Mom more than to hear these complete strangers go, "Wow! She's biggg!!" I also often hear, "That's a SCOTTIE?!" I used to think people were referring to how different the color of her coat was because it is a question I get quite often. Then, one day, a not so subtle neighbor took one look at Heather in the elevator and, without so much as acknowledging the wildly wagging tail and the happy-go-lucky face staring up at him, he said: "Man, she's a BIG one, huh?" I looked at him, face all scrunched up as if to say, "excuse me?" Lucky for him, the elevator arrived at his floor and he was on his way before this Scottie Mom could tear into him. A few words for the wise: NEVER insult a fur-child in the presence of his or her mom. It never ends well for the other person.
That particular neighbor might have been the first but, unfortunately, he certainly wasn't the last. I've had a number of people (all men, ironically) make comments about her size. Now, when I see those neighbors whose eyes stayed clued on her, I find myself wondering: are they trying to figure out whether she is a mixed breed or are they thinking she's just fat? Occasionally, I'll get the "Wow! I've never seen a Scottie her color before!" and I immediately feel relief. My hope is that these strangers and neighbors are just taken aback by how beautiful she truly is and loving her for that extra friendly personality of hers. It is a shame for those who make a snap judgment and assume she's overweight. Truth is, the vet is happy with where she's at in terms of her weight now and frankly, so am I so don't you dare call my Scottie fat!
Bravo Scottie Mom !! That's the way to defend our pups !!! When i read this post, the text of a bumber sticker came to my mind and it goes perfectly in this case: "Don't mess with me, I raised a Scottish Terrier!" :)
ReplyDeleteI'm 26 pounds and the only ones who think I'm fat are the ones that look at the scale.
ReplyDeleteAgreed! My Pippen was once a little overweight (she's lost a few lbs now and is a healthier weight) and I took her to one of those clinics for inexpensive vaccinations. The vet tech said to me "You know, dogs get diabetes for the same reason people do". I must have given her such an awful look, because she followed that up with "but you won't get diabetes......" Oh man! I was so mad!
ReplyDeleteWe have the exact same situation here: Wallace is about 3 - 4 kilos heavier than Sammy but he is also bigger than Sammy in stature. I know that they are both healthy and get lots of exercise and that is all that matters to me.
ReplyDeleteYou don't look fat to me Miss Heather so I'm pleased your Mom fights your corner!
ReplyDeleteOh Heather, you're lovely just the way you are! I was a little bigger a few months ago, but after my last furcut my peep noticed I'd lost some of my "puppy fat".
ReplyDeleteMy uncle Fergus has always been a bigger, then They found out he had cushings, and that he was retaining water. People used to make comments all the time. They didn't know his story either, people shouldn't judge!
Oh Miss Heather. You are wonderful the way you are, just like Dougall says. Don't listen to those nasty peeps - what do they know? Your Scottie Mom knows best and what a grand job she's doing. RooOooodles.
ReplyDeleteMy Scottie (Tessie) weighs 34 lbs...she's happy ,healthy, and full of energy!
She's just a big girl. We never intended in breeding her or showing her even though she (IS) gorgeous and has the BEST personality. Our Vet said she's fine...he's even seen bigger Scotties. She's very long.
Miss Heather don't you worry...just cause those others are between 17 and 22 lbs...doesn't mean they're perfect like you!
She is an unusual colour, very pretty. Maybe the people that are saying she's big don't mean fat. The important thing is that you know she's at a healthy weight for her size. People often say, "that's HUUUGE" about me. I'm only 120 pounds - perfect for my height!
ReplyDeleteDear Scottie-Mom, Heather is a BEAUTIFUL girl! As long as she is healthy & gets her exercise, that's the priority, right?
ReplyDeleteMy Hazel, also a wheaten, isn't even 8 months old yet & outweighs (& longer & taller) than one of her older 'sisters'. I must get an angry warning-look on my face, the moment a stranger starts to even seem like they're thinking:
"My goodness she's big".
Sillly people! Our unique-ness, & our dogs, should be cherished. Many kisses to you dear Miss Heather & Mr K-- celebrate your unique beauty, body & soul!
Love from- Skye, Isabella, Pearl, & Hazel's mommy
Ahhhh- weight prejudices are not any different for our furry kids than they are for humans. Maybe it is even worse because so many people do not know enough about the breeds. When people poke fun at my Scotties' weight I have responded - "Yes- they have really strong chests and are very powerful dogs in a compact package. That's why they are so effective at ratting out vermin."
ReplyDeleteDon't let it both you- both your Scottie kids are BEAUTIFUL!!!!
Hi again- I wanted to share some news with ScottieMom, Heather and Mr. K. The bad news is that we lost our little boy, Macalister, last weekend to lymphoma at the ripe old age of 14. Against my better judgment- I let the vet convince me that those swollen lymph nodes may be due to Mac needing a dental. Because the vets schedule was busy, we could not get in for 3 weeks. After about 2 weeks, Mac went from appearing perfectly fine to lethargic and not interested in eating. This lymphoma was VERY aggressive as it often is in dogs- so my advice to you is watch those lymph nodes (you know your dog best) and if there is any doubt, push your vet to do a needle biopsy. An early diagnosis is critical here. At least Mac was not in any obvious pain since it grew so fast.
ReplyDeleteWe all feel lost without him but Maggie got to see him in the hospital both before and after- and I believe she understood that he was sick and did not come home with us. She isn't looking for him around the house- but does love sniffing his pillow and curling up in his place.
Love to all our Scottie friends from our 'heavenly' Scottie, Mac!
@IndyScottieMom - I am so terribly sorry for your loss. How very quickly his condition progressed. That is truly frightening and I cannot imagine the pain your family is going through. I'm glad Maggie got a chance to say good bye and I'm sure she'll rememeber Mac fondly every time she sets a paw on his pillow. Much love to you, Maggie and the rest of your family from Heather, Mr. K and myself during this difficult time. Rest in peace, little Mac.