
Bye, Bye Staples

Tomorrow, we return to the V-E-T. And, as much as Miss Heather dislikes going, we can't really call them evil anymore since they did us such a favor by removing the one true evil that endangered my baby's life: the big C. Heather has bounced back from surgery and she is as full of energy as ever. People still gawk at her when they see her but that doesn't stop her from showing them some serious Scottie love! Some ask me if she got beaten up. To me, she is just as beautiful for it is her strength, courage and love of life that makes her glow the way she does.

Her wounds are healing nicely and she's back to eating dry food (much to her dismay, I can assure you!). The staples and stitches will come out tomorrow and we'll get to have a more in-depth conversation with the V-E-T about Heather's overall health. I'm hoping for a good report. This Scottie Mom has had enough bad news for one year. Wish my little lady luck tomorrow and hope the staples removal is 100 percent ouchless! We'll let you know how it goes.


  1. Wishing H the best. When I saw the title, I thought you were never going to buy office supplies again. When I had my big snip ten years ago, I didn't have to return because the stitches dissolved. I guess the new vet doesn't have the kids on a fully funded college plan. Bad news-who needs it. I just heard that Barney crossed with lymphoma. He was the smartest thing in DC.

  2. Hugs and kisses to Heather, on the way home get them some ice cream for being such good kids.

  3. Really hope it goes well for Heather

  4. Good luck......you and Mr. K will need some serious treating today!!

  5. We're hoping! Miss Heather ..and I'm sure your Vet will make this as Painless as possible! You're a GORGEOUS SWEET SCOT and we love hearing about you! Keeping you in our hearts and Prayers..I'm very sure you;ll be fine! JUST FYI..and Our Mom is clairvoyant so she knows!! Tee Hee
    Did you hear about Old Barney? Old President Bush's Scottie. He had Lymphoma. Didn't make it. Oh My we Love our Scotties so...What would life be without them..We don't want to know!!!
    Love Tessie

  6. Good luck Heather! Aroos from Haggis and Lucy in South Africa

  7. Miss Heather has entered the lives and hearts of so many and I am confident our thoughts and prayers for her full recovery will be heard!!
    Aroooo sweet little girl!

  8. Good luck lovely Heather!
