It's official: I believe there may be someone else in Heather and Mr. K's life. Someone who they might actually enjoy seeing more than their Scottie Mom. (Gasp!) It started a year ago when we met a member of the housekeeping staff near the elevators on the way out for a morning walk. She doted on Heather and Mr. K, asking what kind of dogs they were and commenting how friendly Heather was and how antisocial Mr. K was (so not true!). Mr. K soon worked his way into her heart by sneaking up behind her and launching a verbal attack on the evil vacuum she dared to use in his presence one day.
Soon thereafter, every time Heather and Mr. K would get off the elevators in the morning and come back from their morning walk, there she was greeting them with the friendliest of faces. She nicknamed them Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt (obviously for their good looks!). And, just before they would duck away into the elevators to go upstairs for their morning meal, she would call them over and offer them the most sought after of gifts: TREATS! It became apparent Heather and Mr. K were so happy to make this acquaintance that they would actively search around corners in attempts to find their newfound friend each morning when she wasn't immediately in sight. And how disappointed they would be when they didn't find her some mornings!
Oh, but when they did find their new friend, Heather and Mr. K would work their magic. Mr. K would approach quietly and then sit and wait. Heather would take her sweet loving into overdrive and shower her new friend with affectionate smiles, tail wags and opportunities for back scratchings. Not more than a minute or two would pass before their friend would produce two treats in hand: one for Heather, one for Mr. K. And, as if that wasn't enough, they start the whole process over hoping for a second round of treats (which they sometimes get). With their eyes constantly on the prized treats and the new friend that holds them, they often prefer to pretend they don't hear Scottie Mom calling them to the elevator. In fact, most mornings their new friend is around, they insist on staying with her and will not budge unless their new friend coaxes them back on the elevator with Scottie Mom. Go figure.
Alas, it appears this Scottie Mom has fallen from the top spot and has been replaced (temporarily, I hope!) by the treat lady, who has become something like the "cool aunt." Guess it's time to break out that treat making kit and cookbook and see who the 'top dog' will be then!
No one can resist the Scottie charm!
ReplyDeleteIt's amazing how we Scots can turn one or two happy instances into a routine and an entitlement.
ReplyDeleteI think Heather and Mr. K are no different than most...with TREAT in hand we are no longer their favorite human...I say Think about changing House keepers! How dare she!... LOL!... Nah It's really sweet ..Both Heather and Mr. K know the Love of their lives is and will always be when it comes down to it..Not to fear Scottie Mom...You will always be #1
ReplyDeleteTypical Scotties, but we wouldn't want them any other way ...... now would we?
ReplyDeleteThey're like me, they like to make the most of an opportunity - they can rely on you to be there when they've had all the attention they can get from their new friend!
ReplyDeleteThere's a lady in the park who has biscuits, I literally DRAG mummy over to her whenever I see her. So I know how Heather an Mr K feel!
ReplyDeleteThe way to every doggy's heart... Through their tummies!