I'm slowly becoming convinced that there is no such thing as "sharing" a bed with a Scottie. Sure, we might be on the same mattress but I've learned that no matter how small their little bodies are, they somehow manage to take up half the bed or position themselves in the most awkward places...leaving us to come up with equally creative ways to sleep because we feel too guilty to move them. Sometimes, after I've finally managed to fall asleep, I hear a shaking of the collar or the movement of paws heading my way. I turn around and open my eyes to see Mr. K looking very seriously at me, as if to say, "Did you think I wouldn't notice that you turned away/stopped cuddling/changed position on me?" And that's my cue: I turn on my back, pat my belly and he take it up himself to hoist his front paws on top and settle in for the next round of sleep. (This interruption is usually the first of many...)
Of course, I know what you're thinking: how would I know about all this? Doesn't Scottie Dad forbid hooman bed privileges? The answer is yes. Remember: for the purposes of this blog, Heather and Mr. K's habit of stealing the hooman bed while Scottie Dad's away is entirely fictitious. Wink, wink. So when I talk about that night that Mr. K woke me up five times or the morning I got woken up by a Scottie sneeze in my face...never really happened. And those photos you see of them on our comforter? Completely staged. Dont you worry, Scottie Dad! However, I will say this: their days of being prohibited from a hooman bed are limited. We are just three days from closing on a townhome that has three bedrooms. I will honor Scottie Dad's wish of no dogs in the master bedroom. However, the first thing on my agenda is to set up a guest room...not so much for the guests as it is for me and the Scots!
When I lived on my own, I didn't have the luxury of a queen bed like I do now. In fact, I had a twin. Yes, a twin bed that was occupied by myself, Mr. K, Heather (usually for about half the night before she gave up and went back to her doggie bed) and even Scottie Dad when he visited. To this day, I have no idea how we made that work. Scottie Dad said it was highly uncomfortable but I honestly don't recall having a problem. That must be why we spent so much time at Scottie Dad's apartment. They weren't allowed on the hooman bed there, either, but at least they were allowed to sleep under the bed. Those mornings were especially adorable. Mr. K would put his front paws up on the mattress and wag his tail until he got my attention. Who wouldn't wake up smiling to a face like that? It was a confusing time, I'm sure, for the pups - being allowed on one bed but not the other. Lucky for Scottie Dad, his bed is too tall for a Scottie to jump on.
The funniest part of it all is that I am a complete grouch if I don't get the sleep I need. Withought sleep, I simply can't function and when I do, I'm certainly not happy about it. However, I find myself more than willing to sacrifice my sleep just so I can have Heather and Mr. K by my side. It doesn't matter how many times Mr. K wakes me up to ensure his optimum comfort or if Heather has been on my feet so long that they too have fallen asleep. I still would much rather have them there all snuggly in the hooman bed than to get a full night of uniterrupted sleep. It is a good thing I will live so close to work soon. I may need that extra hour on the days Scottie Dad is away to make up for what I didn't get during the night. Here's my question to you: what's bedtime like for your pup? Does he or she get hooman bed privileges in your house or prefer the doggie bed?
Both mine sleep on the bed with us! We used to have a higher bed so Pippen had stairs to get up (wow, spoiled much?! haha!) but now we have a platform bed so it's easier and they can jump up and down as needed. I think they harass, I mean love my hubby more because he lets them sleep all over him. They like to be up on the pillows or right next to your curled up legs. I agree with you, I love having them on the bed with us! Even if they wake us up!
ReplyDeleteI have three wonderful Scotties and they all sleep with me in a full (double) bed. I wouldn't have it any other way! They are my love bugs and I have trouble sleeping without them. Usually, I sleep on one half of the bed and they on the other, but they are always near me in some way - on the pillow next to mine, spooning if I'm on my side, or laying between my legs. And I love the way they wake me up in the AM by giving me little sighs - and, if that doesn't work, kisses - and, if that doesn't work, "aroos". I'm a single woman and happy to stay that way unless I find a guy that will put up with all the fur kids.
ReplyDeleteBefore Danny passed it was the 3 of us in a Queen sized hooman bed. Of course Marlee dictated who slept where. One night, I was in my usual spot crushed next to the wall when Marlee insisted that he get the outside edge! So, he put his Dad in the middle. There we were - me squished up against the wall, Danny pushed up next to me in the middle, and little Scottie Marlee stretched out on the outer 2/3s of the edge of the bed!! hee hee He still sleeps wherever he wishes in the hooman bed, but usually on his Dad's pillow now.
ReplyDeleteScottie Mom, I'll probably get kicked out of the Scottie Union, but our objective is to see as much "pretzeling" of the humans as possible. Yes, it is on purpose and we have a competition going-who can make their humans pretzel the most. Welcome to the Scottish games.
ReplyDeleteWe are not allowed on the bed, or even the bedroom - what is it with these men?? I do snore though so I have a feeling I would be banished pretty quickly. However...... when Miss 8 comes to stay I get to share the double bed with her and Raffles sleeps on the floor next to us - that is the coolest :-)
ReplyDeleteThey do not share. They let you, grudgingly, have a teensy piece of space ... IF you will let them use you as their pillow :-) I'm always amazed at home much space a relatively small terrier can take up if the arrange themselves using geometric triangulation.
ReplyDeleteGadsby has to jump onto the bed frim the ottoman. He always starts off having to sleep on the outside, perpendicular to me. He stretches out with hia legs behind him. After a few minutes in this position, he pushes through me as I apologize for being in his pathway. There is no around, there is no over, there is only the wet Scotty nose flicking at whatever body part is obstructing his path as he pushes through and then he is in the middle of the bed.
ReplyDeleteLucy and Haggis have had hooman bed priviledges since day one! I agree that two little bodies can spread themselves thin! But I love to hear the gentle little snores and sighs during the night, Haggis cuddles behind my back and Lucy behind my knees, Scotties rule in our house!
ReplyDeleteNot me, I'm a good bed sharer. I take up a tiny bit at the foot of the bed... Floyd on the other paw... He takes up the WHOLE bed!
ReplyDeleteOh Mr K...First let me say how cute you look in your jammies!!!! :)
ReplyDeleteYES OH YES we have to sleep with The Momma...or the Dadda..or both..At least one of them..we never slept in our beds except for daytime naps...we all need to cuddle with them....Momma usually wakes up with bruises to her rt shoulder from Bonnie kicking her in her sleep like a donkey and Tessie...kicks her..um usually in her ribs...Talloulah is the only one who like to sleep with her head on Mom's feet so when she wakes..she has to hop cause her arthritis in her foot hurts so bad. We need our pawrents..to feel secure..and they need us...RIGHT?
We love you guys!!! Big Hugs!
Scotties can sleep WHEREVER they want if you are a true Scottie lover.
Winston slept near me on the floor, unless a bad thunderstorm was in the area. Then he was able to 'scruff' the covers into his semblance of comfortable and sleep. Fiona never seemed to mind. Now, my boyfriend says 'no dogs allowed in bedroom at all' and it breaks my heart. So they sleep in their beds right outside the bedroom...except sometimes I 'forget' and leave the door open a crack...hee hee. When I sleep in the other bed, due to heavy snoring or sore backs, Winston sleeps beside me on a rug and Fiona checks up on me...and when the boyfriend travels? All hands in the bedroom to sleep.
ReplyDeleteThe Scottie Rules
ReplyDelete1. The Scotties are not allowed in the house.
2. Okay, the Scotties are allowed in the house, but only in certain rooms.
3. The Scotties are allowed in all rooms, but have to stay off the furniture.
4. The Scotties can get on the OLD furniture only.
5. Fine, the Scotties are allowed on all the furniture, but are not allowed to sleep with the humans on the bed.
6. All right, the Scotties are allowed on the bed, but ONLY by invitation.
7. The Scotties can sleep on the bed whenever they want, but NOT under the covers.
8. The Scotties can sleep under the covers by invitation ONLY.
9. The Scotties can sleep under the covers every night.
10. Humans must ask permission to sleep under the covers with the Scotties.
BOL at Pams comment..I'm not allowed on the bed at night but I do go up in the morning for a cuddle with Mom, I love your PJ's :) xx00xx
ReplyDeleteMollie and Alfie
I wrecked some dog beds, so I have to sleep in the master bed. But I'm generous and share it with my humans. Mom said she can't sleep without me .o)
ReplyDeleteYes, its on Mama and Dada's bed all 5 of us used to sleep - that's why they got an enormous bed. Now it's just me, and apparently I still take up as much space as if we were all still there! "Crosswise" is usually the position I take up, or I'm on Mama's pillow wrapped around her head! PS: love Pam's "scottie rules" they are brilliant. RooOoodles, Bobby xx
ReplyDeleteI'm not really allowed in the bedroom at all, but I can open doors so I go in and wake them up if I need anything in the night. I like to sleep across the front door, I can keep an eye on everything from there.
ReplyDeleteWhen I moved into my last house, I also turned a guest room into a room for my dog to sleep. It worked out quite well.