Scottie Tell-All


It's Wordless Wednesday, friends! That means we keep quiet while you tell us your deepest, darkest secrets. Ok, so we really don't expect you to reveal that much...unless you're trying to clear your doggie conscience before Santa Scottie comes around next month bearing gifts. How about you tell us something that makes you smile big like Mr. K here? Or, how about something you're especially thankful for this holiday season? (Treats and table scraps, anyone?!) Happy Thanksgiving!


  1. Ahem, my personal life is MY personal life. At least until after Christmas, that is.

  2. Have a wonderful Thanks Giving xxoxxxxx

    Mollie and Alfie

  3. I'm thankful I'm not a turkey. And I'll be posting that tomorrow!

  4. Have a terrific Gobble, Gooble, Turkey Day. Secrets well I am keeping secret my secrets. Mum's the word.
    Thanks for being a friend
    Sweet William The scot

  5. I'm thankful that we are together and that my mom at least gave me a blankie before I turned into an icicle :o) Have a wonderful thanksgiving and a big turkey :o)

  6. Hope you had a pawsome Thanksgiving!!! I'm thankful that I can still do a little agility with my Mum, even though I'm closing in on 10 years old!
