
Central Park of Squirrels

Squirrels, squirrels everywhere...but not a one to catch!
Forget the City of Skyscrapers. New York City is the City of Squirrels, friends! Mr. K recently discovered this on our recent tour of the Big Apple. One paw in the park and it was bound to be a struggle to get him back out. It started while posing for photos atop one of the big rocks in Central Park. Heather and Mr. K were doing what they do best: smiling for the camera. Then, a rustling of leaves just behind where they were seated caught their attention.

Neither Heather or Mr. K could see anything at first, but they searched the area below where they swore the sound had come. Suddenly, there was another rustling of the leaves. Mr. K pulled on his leash to inch closer to the suspect. What could it be, he wondered? Out came a puffy tail and Mr. K tried his best to break free and run after it. Squirrels! Soon, that little guy was out of sight but it wasn't long until Heather and Mr. K were strolling along peacefully on the walking path when guess who crosses by?

The visit to Central Park was one of lots of starts and stops. One minute, Heather and Mr. K would be enjoying the scenery and itching to move on to the next spot. The next minute, they dug their paws in the ground and took off after this squirrel and that (usually in the opposite direction from which they were originally headed). Yes, Heather and Mr. K thought for sure that they would finally achieve their lifelong dream of catching the elusive squirrel during their visit to Central Park.

But these city squirrels had been around the block a few times and although they were daring and often cut it close, they were smart and quick on their tiny feet. Time after time, one would dart in front of Heather and Mr. K, only to escape in the nick of time by climbing up a tree. Neither Scottie seemed upset by this. It only made them more driven to accomplish their feat. After a few hours, when it was time to go, Heather and Mr. K went reluctantly but knew they would return to the Central Park of Squirrels with renewed energy and more practiced paws some day soon.


  1. Those little varmints. I got one once, yep I bit his tail off. I waited and waited for him to come down a tree and I wrestled him to the ground. Why he was a perverted creature. I posted about my encounter.
    Sweet William The Scot

  2. No squirrels here but I bit off the tail of a lizard once.

  3. Hehe I love squirrels..never will see one here though..here it's roos the boys want to chase.....not a good idea...glad Heather and Mr K had a great sniffventure !! :) hugs Fozziemum x

  4. Ah, yes....the indomitable squirrel...known as the S-Q in Hootie language!

  5. Oh brown dawgs would love to "play" with those squirrels...lol.

  6. Oh, squirrels. They're the subject of every dog's dreams where they move their feet in their sleep. Our neighbor has a couple living in the roof of his house... can't them out. Pierson loves watching them. It's like a squirrel reality show for him.

  7. Hey, next trip get someone to box up several and ship them over, with all the animals around here we don't see one. A thought......... maybe we need to send the Blogville Rodent Patrol Officers with you next time for a big squirrel hut pawty!

    TC Bites

  8. […] in New York. Heather and Mr. K were a little bummed they wouldn’t be returning to Central Park of Squirrels but as soon as I told them where they’d be going instead, they marched over to the kitchen, […]
