
The Scoop on the Poop

The other morning, I woke up to a horrible sight no Scottie Mom would want to see. Blood, feces and urine were scattered about the main floor of the Scottie House. Cleary, something was not right but both Heather and Mr. K seemed happy as could be, eager to go about their usual morning routine. Neither showed any signs of being sick. Even so, I knew we needed to get them into the V-E-T since there was blood involved. So I made an appointment and took the morning off work to accompany Heather and Mr. K to their not-so-favorite place on Earth: the V-E-T's office.

Since we didn't know who was responsible for the mess we found in the Scottie House earlier, it was important that the V-E-T got poop samples from both Heather and Mr. K. Heather produced a sample before we even made it into the office - right outside the V-E-T's front door! Embarrassed and yet, strangely relieved that it clearly wasn't Heather based on the sample she produced, I scooped it up in a baggie and held on to it until the V-E-T tested it to be sure. Then, they took Mr. K back to see if they could collect a sample but without luck.

Mr. K came back into the room and the V-E-T decided to take Heather back to check her out a little more closely. Almost as soon as they closed the door behind them, Mr. K turned around and left his sample right there on the exam room floor! At first, I was horrified but then I saw the sample he had left behind had blood in it. My heart sank. What did this mean? Those few minutes we were alone in the exam room were rough - and not just because of the smell although, in truth, that certainly was a factor. When the V-E-T came back and saw the sample, she laughed and teased Mr. K saying, "Was that a little too much stimulation for you, buddy?"

Tests came back shortly thereafter and luckily, all was clear. There were no parasites. It appears Mr. K just had a little bit of a stomach bug and was on his way to a full recovery, according to the V-E-T. She prescribed him Metronidazole (one pill a day for five days) and already, the consistency of his "samples" is returning to normal. Since we were already at the V-E-T, we went ahead and got their annual well-visits taken care of a month earlier than anticipated. Over $500 later, Heather and Mr. K were given clean bills of health, declared fully up-to-date on their vaccinations and given a six month supply of heartworm prevention. Now, it is time for Scottie Mom's nerves - and wallet - to recover from this most recent, albeit relatively mild, health scare!


  1. Poor Mr. K! Those stomach bugs can be really uncomfortable. You must have been so worried till the cause of the problem was determined. It was a bit expensive, but we'd rather spend a lot of money on something not serious than serious!

    Here's hoping Mr. K will be fit as a fiddle in no time!

    McDuff & Mom

  2. H&K are pikers. I cost way more than double than them this month in vet bills. In addition, on vet payday, the Scottiemobile had a problem and needed to spend the day at the auto-vet and there are follow-ups. He was in a really good mood that day when She said, while we wait for the Scottiemobile and the vet, let's go shopping at the warehouse store. I don't buy the gov't line that consumers aren't spending. We've bought everything else.

  3. Heehee -vet payday. I'm so glad to hear your pups are OK. Those stomach bugs can be so scary! It must have been scary to not know which pup was sick. Hope Mr. K is feeling better now.

  4. Oh Scottie scared a SAMPLE out of me!! So glad the results were not terribly serious. I wonder what caused the tummy bug. (It would be nice to hear if you ever figure that out). Good thoughts and wishes for Mr. K's speedy return to excellent health. No more scares for a while, kids. ;-)

  5. It once cost me $350 to discover Bonnie had gas. Later, she expelled that gas. Oy. It would have been a lot funnier had it been a lot less costly.

  6. Mom says "all's well that ends well" ... we have no idea what it means but all we know is we are SUPER glad that Mr K is getting better and that there weren't any major problems.
    Have a grrrreat weekend.
    Wally & Sammy

  7. I am so sorry this happened but very glad Heather is fine and that Mr. K will be. Blood is always scary! Our Rory has had chronic GI problems that have frequently involved blood, and at first, I freaked out every time. I still don’t like it, but it isn’t quite as alarming–especially because our new vet has put Rory on another special food that actually helps more than anything else has–and we hardly ever see blood now! Arrooo to your two from our boy!

  8. Get well soon Mr. K. , hope the meds will help to chase the stomach bug away. I pooped on my dad's hand once as he lifted me up at the vet. We were there because my staff thought I have a blocking...

  9. Michele van GobesMay 23, 2014 at 5:58 AM

    Bad way to start the day, but such a happy ending. Know your wallet feels empty, but because all is now well, there wasn't more testing and expense involved, and no dreaded diagnosis of something scary. Xxxx to Heather and Mr K...may his tummy stay settled. Hope everyone at the Scottie house has a safe, healthy and meaningful Memorial Day. Xxxxx MVG and Skyler Braveheart

  10. Get well soon Mr K ..those bugs can be very scary to a pups mum! and at least you git the sample without too much trouble...I spent a nice walk around our vets once with Doc and the vet and a stick,...waiting for the sample for him to scry :) hugs Fozziemum xx

  11. I'm so sorry. Boy, what a way to start a day huh? I'm sure you were just crazy with worry - I know I would have been - so clearly, the outcome is wonderful news! Give them both a hug and smooch (I'm sure you've already done that numerous times though). Mr. K. - continue to kick that bug and don't give it to your sister!

  12. Oh no scary when you don't know what it is. Hope the meds sorts it out and in the meantime we send healing vibes and POTP.
    Have an easy Friday.
    Best wishes Molly

  13. Oh NO, it is not nice to have one of your fur kids unwell and then not to know which one. Glad Mr. K is on the mend. I hope that is the worst any of you will have to deal with. Well wishes to all.

  14. Gosh you both have to be checked out when just one of you is sick. Does not seem fair but then you are both in it together. Get well soon Mr. K.
    Sweet William The Scot

  15. Good to know that everything is ok. The vet does cost so much but what are we to do.

  16. Glad everything is okay, what a fright they must have given you! :)

  17. It's a wonder you weren't leaving a 'sample' when you got that bill. But everything is okay, so it's worth it (and hopefully it will be the ONLY vet bill until next exam.)

  18. Well, don't scare us again, and the vet did ask for samples, just not where to leave them, good job Mr.K, get well quick!

    The Mad Scots

  19. Pooping blood could have been a really bad deal so glad you're ok. I give you a high paw for leaving your sample on the Vet's floor......that was well worth $500.

    Aroo to you,

  20. Poor Mr. K! It’s good to know what was causing it, though — I hope he’s made a full recovery!
