Back to School

For those embarking upon a new school year, we wish you all the best! And for those who are thinking about going back, remember: you're never too cool to go back to school and there's no such thing as an old dog who can't learn new tricks. Challenge yourself to learn something every day...even if it is as simple as a new treat recipe or a how to give the ultimate doggie massage! Love, Mr. K.


  1. I agree school is cool and it's the best time of our life... said my mom :o)

  2. School? No need. I'm a know-it-all.

  3. Our school year is half over; but we love it when the kids are in school. We get to take more walks!

  4. Our school year runs from mid-Jan to early December :-)
    Wally & Sammy

  5. Lee loves to pick up classes at the local college branch ones for knowledge and ones for fun. We see they are offering a class in tai chi yep we need that for stress reduction. Lee says I am not doing enough in that department.
    And Kyla is right about herself ~ she knows it all.
    Sweet William The Scot

  6. We are too cool for school. Mom used to teach Mathematics on the middle school level and she now home schools us. LOL
