
Celebrating Independence Day - Scottie Style!

Today, Heather and Mr. K are showing off their patriotism in style! How will you and your pups be celebrating the Fourth of July this weekend? Don't tell Heather and Mr. K...but they're about to be surprised with festive, star-shaped doggie treats in commemoration of Independence Day holiday. Yum! Be safe, have fun and watch out for those fireworks, friends. Much love, The Scottie Mom.


  1. Kali wants to know why every holiday is an excuse to wear a hat.

  2. Scottie Mom, Heather and Mr K look awesome; very patriotic. I'm sure they'll be thrilled when they discover your surprise. I couldn't get a costume on my two, so Jasper stepped in to model with some beautiful raspberry red flowers on a blue and white striped towel and his big sister, Sophie, photo bombed him in the background. THAT was our attempt at a patriotic photo. Hope you and the pups have a safe and great 4th!

  3. They look very festive....and we think they're good sports. Bet those star-shaped treats are delicious.

  4. Cute! We have the same bow tie but the hats are the fashion statements!

  5. Celebrating, well I was born on July 3rd a dud for a July 4th firecracker baby. But we celebrate my birthday on the holiday. You two look so patriotic. Love Mr K with the up eye look.
    Thanks for being a friend
    Sweet William The Scot
