
What Happens When the Dog Finally Catches that Squirrel

To catch a squirrel is every dog's dream. A dream, thankfully, that doesn't come to reality all-too-frequently. Not wanting to deprive my Scotties of their life's ambitions, I arranged to have a special visitor, aptly named Nuts, drop by the Scottie House to see if the crew truly had what it would take to catch a squirrel. A bit of chaos and hilarity ensued as they clamored for the top prize.

A mysterious squirrel named Nuts found its way into the Scottie Mobile after our trip to Dog City. How he got into the Scottie House, we'll never know. It was clear his intentions were to drive Mr. K, Nibbles and Pudley nuts!

He was quick as a flash. So quick that Pudley approached with caution so as to not get knocked over by this speedy squirrel. Pudley's initial hesitation cost him the prize: a deaded squirrel.

Finally, during the third or fourth lap around the Scottie House, Nibbles caught the pesky squirrel. Proof that you can never judge someone by their size. Though she be but little, she is fierce!

When she thought the squirrel was good and deaded, Nibbles went to get a drink of water. Mr. K seized this opportunity to snatch the squirrel and run...only to find seconds later that Nibbles and Pudley had come to reclaim the coveted prize.


  1. Awwwwww, what fun for the pups❣

  2. My three boys actually caught a real one out in the yard. When I looked out the back door I saw the three of them standing around in a circle not moving. My Wheaten, Stanley, had his nose to the ground and the other two were further back motionless. When I walked out to see what they were up to I saw the poor little thing lying on the ground. The older two were obviously "blaming" Stanley and poor Stanley was wondering why it wasn't getting up to continue with the chase. Your kind of squirrel is much better.

  3. Love the eyes in that last photo. We know it well!

  4. Mr K did no have his sidekick Heather for help. Pray Heather is having a good day. I went a couple of rounds with a squirrel once. Yep it was a match for sure rolling over a couple of times. But I got my joy because I got the prize. I bit off his tail. Yep I still see him in the hood, we named him Stumpy.
    Thanks for being a friend
    Sweet William The Scot

  5. Our girls, Lizzie & Bridget, had great fun in the backyard chasing the squirrels. Bridget was smart, and figured how the critter was zig zagging to the tree and caught it. Then they looked at it and couldn't figure out why it wasn't getting up and running. Quite the look of puzzlement on their faces! Even though we had lots of squirrels running around they never caught another one.

  6. In Florida, they are more into lizards. The chase is the game.

  7. So cute! They sure love their Squirrel! They are so adorable!
