
And Then, There Were Three

The Scottie Mom quartet has lost its fearless leader. Two months before she was set to turn 12, Heather passed away - on National Dog Day. There's nothing I wouldn't give to have her stay but in the end, though she was alert, the clot never passed and it was all downhill from there. She passed on without pain and enjoyed her favorite treats (blueberry doggie muffins) before she left her Scottie friends and me behind. Sadly, I find myself struggling with things to say, but I'll leave you with a few words honoring her memory from The Overtreater - undoubtedly, Heather's favorite person on Earth.

Ode to Heather
Mr. K thought "a road trip with my Scottie Mom," how great!
Until he learned that he would be meetin' 
Another Scottie, and yes, a Wheaten
To Tennessee they traveled,
soon to locate
Mr. K's new sister, it had to be fate

You came home that day,
Miss Heather
Welcomed to the Scottie Mom home
Never again, the streets would you have to roam
For the rest of time, no matter the weather
You were here to stay, a family together

Shy at first, in a corner you could be found
But that crooked smile
Hinted at your guile
It didn't take long for you to come around
No garbage can could hide a treat from such a sleuthound

Many road trips and treats to enjoy
Ah the life you would live
And the love you would give
A new Scottie brother to annoy
Just one of the hoi polloi

Constantly looking for a treat
A scrappy old Scot
Yet Johnny on the Spot
When it came time to eat
With a full belly, always so sweet

We enjoyed the time we shared
Saying goodbye at eleven
At least we know, All Dogs Go To Heaven
Thanks to the Scottie Mom who once declared
With Heather Beather we shall be paired

Heather earned her angel wings Friday, Aug. 26, 2016.


  1. Thanks for sharing your Heather with us.RIP sweet angel girl.

  2. I am so, so sorry for your loss. So many are grieving with you and your Scottie family. May you find peace in the vision of sweet Heather is now frolicking freely on the other side of the Rainbow Bridge. Much love to you and your family.

  3. Thanks for letting us in on Heather's adventures. I am heartbroken for you as I know the pain. Peace, love and hugs to all of you. Hug them close and know she is running free at the Bridge.

  4. My heart breaks for you all 💜 I am so sorry for your loss of the sweet beautiful Heather

  5. We have no words. Sending our very deepest sympathy to all of you.

  6. I'm so sorry for your loss, a big hug to Scottie Mom and her crew from Jacob, Sami, Morgana and me. RIP sweet Heather Beather, darling girl run free

  7. Very sorry for your loss. She will be there waiting for you someday in the future, along with all your other fur babies. That's why they call it Heaven. <3

  8. Heather and her beautiful smile will be greatly missed.

  9. She is out of pain now. I am so very sorry that she has passed. I saw the picture with the gang around her keeping her company. Thank you for sharing Heather with us. Sending prayers to you and your family with love and hugs.
    Pat & Bentley my Wheaten boy.

  10. Words cannot convey the sorrow and loss we feel in losing your precious and beautiful little friend. She was sunshine in our lives and thank you so much for sharing her. Indeed she has her Angel wings and is now flying freely and disease free. Sending hugs. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  11. Thank you for sharing your journey with Heather. We have loved every moment of it.

  12. A heartbreaking loss. So sad for you and the rest of the pack.

  13. Your stories about your little girl brought such joy. Heather Beather, sweet girl, trotting over the Rainbow Bridge. Sending hugs from South Africa from me, and AROOOS from Haggis and Lucy.

  14. There are very few Scottie Moms like you. It is very obvious how much you loved your quartet and how you took such good care of them in your eloquent posts. I looked forward to all your posts since I discovered you before you were married. I am devastated by the loss of Heather, the trooper, the fighter, the Supreme Scottie, so dignified and classy. I love you Heather and I will miss you but you will never be forgotten❣❤️❣

  15. Thank you so much for sharing your sweet Heather, and the rest of the pack, with us. As difficult as it was to read about her illness and decline, I am devastated to hear that she has gone over the Rainbow Bridge. I am amazed at your unwavering grace through all of this. Heather was so very lucky to have you as her mom, to watch after her, do all you could for her, and also make all the right decisions for her. My heart breaks for you, and I offer you my deepest condolences. Extra hugs to Mr. K, Nibbles and Pudley, who will also, no doubt, be missing her.

  16. Roxanne, Truman, Callie & MandyAugust 27, 2016 at 3:22 PM

    Our tears join yours. We hope the memories help you through the days ahead,

  17. I'm so so sorry. You are a great doggy mom and Scottie Mom and an eloquent writer. Such a beautiful tribute to sweet Heather. You made her life perfect for the time she was with you. Now, she's running free in the Universe, pure energy and love, watching over you and her Scottie siblings and friends. Sophie, Jasper, Ani, Albie and I send you big hugs and sincerest condolences. xxxxx

  18. We are grieving with you, Scottie Mom. This was a beautiful and touching poem to read. It brought more than a tear to our eyes. Heather was clearly so incredibly loved. We truly are thinking of you and your Scottie family today.

  19. Run free sweet girl...

    Edgar and his mum

  20. I am without words as I was when I had to go through it with my girl. I'm so sorry.

  21. My grandfather once told me that we only lose them for one moment but they live on in our souls... Hugs and love from the Williamsburg scotty girls and their Mommie ... You and the family and in our thoughts and prayers ...

  22. Scottie Mom, I know the pain you are suffering, but, you have to know that you were the very BEST thing that could have happened for Heather Beather. She was ONE lucky Scottie girl to have you for a Mommy. She can now run and play with my sweet O'Mallee girl in puppy heaven with God until you can be with her again. Love and puppy kisses from Jeanni, Shaemus, Cassidee, O'Shea, Mollee-O and Maggee Mae from Michigan.....

  23. Tears and big hugs for you! Mac is waiting at the RB to show HB where ALL the treats are!

  24. Thoughts, prayers, and hugs from one Scottie mom to another. I lost my Scottie on 3.4.16. The hardest thing I have ever been thru. I pray God carries u and your Scotties thru this difficult time.

  25. You gave her a great and full life. Her ailments are over. Kyla will show her the ropes at the bridge.

  26. RIP gentle soul.
    Heather will be dearly remembered.
    She lived a good life under your are and that is what truly matters. Take care Scottie Mom

  27. I am so sorry....I am broken hearted with you. Loved seeing that beautiful smile. Godspeed, sweet Heather.

  28. Dear Scottie Mom, I know that there are no words in the English language or in any other language for that matter that anyone can say to you that could make you feel better right now. I understand your pain and hope that you will find comfort in knowing that your sweet Heather is in such a good place right now and that you have the rest of the crew that so need you right now and for years to come. Stay strong for them !❤️

  29. I had just read your blog from yesterday and was prepared to write to you about your words of wisdom.It was a beautiful piece and I will treasure it. Thank you so much for those words. Please accept my sincere sympathy for your lose of Heather. I will light my eternal candle in her honor for the next seven days. it is an old custom that brings some help to people. I hope that you approve.

  30. Our hearts are broken, Scottie Mom. Love your beautiful tribute. Xxoo

  31. Linda Sprinkle and the SprinklescotsAugust 27, 2016 at 10:52 PM

    I am so saddened; she will be missed; loving these special beings and having to let them go is the hardest part of that special love; we will remember her always in our hearts

  32. Beautiful tribute. So sorry for your loss. I'm grieved indeed. Thank you for sharing her with us. Now a small tribute for this lovely soul.
    Heather Beather,
    When you showed up on my screen
    You had the power to change any weather.
    Whatever was dark inside of me
    You made it better.

    With your brother Mr. K.
    You made everything seem okay
    Now I know not what to do
    To follow Scottie Mom's posts without you.

    Truth is I do know
    Because you won't be far away
    I can tell you will be present
    In our hearts you came to stay.

    Scottie Mom in her wisdom
    Brought home two more wheatens
    So when it was your time to go
    Mr. K would not feel beaten.

    Brother and sister stay together
    Nothing warmed my heart more then
    His face when you were better.

    Now that you had to go
    You know he will be okay
    He has Pudley and Nibbles
    To comfort him every day.

  33. We are sure all 2 and 4 footed members of Heather's family are missing her something fierce. I think many of us read your post and thought about our own Scotties who earned their wings. Scotties have a way of always being members of your family...even when it's just their memory. Thank you for sharing Heather with us. Arrooooos and love from CA.
    Daisy and Carrie

  34. Dear Heather you have always a place in our heart.... hugs to you all...

  35. Colin McDuff and I send loving wishes of comfort to ScottieMom and her gang. Heather will be missed by all who read of her adventures and loved seeing her beautiful photos.

  36. May the Earth rest so lightly over Heather that her soul may be out from under it quickly; up and off and on its way. So sorry sending hugs at this sad time.
    Sweet William The Scot

  37. New friends are waiting - go find Ian, Hammish, Connaught, Angus and Duncan. They never had a sister but you will be welcome. Our sincerest condolences to those she leaves behind

  38. Our deepest sympathy on your loss. There is nothing I can say to console you; our Scotties are with us all too short a time. Hugs to the Scottie Mom family from Wendy and Kiltie.

  39. I wish I could add words that would comfort you more than what's been said before but I cannot. The beautiful words already written cannot be topped. Know that I too am grieving with you over the loss of your beautiful Heather Beather. My crew & I send our deepest sympathies & love to you & your. Run free beautiful girl. Charlotte, Sadie Sue, Happy Feller, Dooley Doo, & Sulley Blue Eyes. Arooo

  40. I am so very, very sorry to read of Heather's passing. Sending love to your family.

  41. Jack and Arya and I are thinking of you. What a beautiful tribute. Blessings!

  42. So, so sorry. Stuart was there to greet her. Along with so many furiends. She's healthy and running free! Stay Scottie strong my friend.

  43. We are so sorry to hear a sweet arrrooooo has gone silent in the precious Scottie choir. We will be listening on the wind for an echo from heaven as she runs free with Arrooos of joy.
    Bonnie and Kenzie
